Episode 12: Reclaiming Your Authentic Voice with Christina Glickman

The world is calling for women’s voices and their essence to shine unabashedly. Christina Glickman takes a stand for us all in this passionate interview. Christina vulnerably shares how she bought into the ‘hustle culture’ for a time but no longer. You’ll also hear about:

  • Why human connection is the purpose of all of this

  • The creation of a TED talk and the toll it can take

  • The power of sharing our stories as inspiration

Christina Glickman is the founder of Xtra Love Army and a fierce mama and advocate for women’s voices. Find her on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

The moment I met Christina Glickman in January of 2017 I was smitten. As you will hear in this conversation, Christina is laser focused on the task at hand and all in on delivering her messages in her signature way. She is inspiring to me as a leader of our generation as well as generations to come. She acknowledges the new way of doing business and that we are more powerful together than apart. I hope you love this one as much as I do!

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