Episode 19: Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen with Heather Hester

If you find yourself on the lookout for wisdom in parenting your LGBTQ teen, abundant resources, and compassion, look no further than proud mama and advocate, Heather Hester. In this episode, we discuss:

  • Heather’s creation of her own resources when she couldn’t find any

  • The most valuable thing parents can do for themselves

  • Heather’s 4 Pillars: Embrace, Educate, Empower & Love

Heather Hester is the founder of Chrysalis Mama which provides support and education to parents and allies of LGBTQIA adolescents, teens, and young adults. Find Heather on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

Heather and I met through a mutual friend and being a lover of all things new-paradigm-parenting, I had to have her on the show! Heather is a resource, having supported her own children through their gender journeys, and through establishing her own grass roots movement, has become a go-to person in her field. Heather has just released her first book, Parenting with Pride, and I’m so excited to read it! Welcome Heather to the Sisterhood!

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