Episode 22: Unschooling Understood with Jean Nunnally

Step inside the amazing world of unschooling. Jean shares how she joined LaLeche as a young mother and witnessed admirable mothering and committed to raising her own children in a new way and eventually unschooling them. Listen in to learn:

  • Jean’s journey from a traditional upbringing to the unschooling path

  • How Jean broke her own pattern of people pleasing

  • How intuition & signs from the Universe guide Jean

Jean Nunnally is the author of “Success Without School: Unschooling My Children From Birth to College” and a staunch advocate of following your child’s lead. Find Jean on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

I met Jean upon the recommendation of my dear friend, Zeenath Ansari Selvakumar. My 3 children have been educated in the public school system yet I always had a keen interest in what other types of schooling looked like. Jean beautifully tells us her own story moving from traditional schooling to unschooling her two children. Her work shows us that self-directed learning is not only a possible alternative to conventional school, but highly successful and a critical concept for the future of education to boot.

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