Episode 109: Learning to Love the Uncomfortable for Personal Growth & Transformation with Joe Argazzi

Joe Argazzi is a seasoned Soul Care Coach who brings compassion, empathy, and depth to all subjects he touches. Joe weaves in all that he has learned from his life experiences, how these times affected him, and the tools he uses daily in his own healing and applies to his clients. We also discuss:

  • Embracing pain and getting uncomfortable

  • The illusion of external validation

  • Eradicating codependency

Follow Joe Argazzi on Instagram and his website.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

I feel so lucky when I get to sit in conversation with Joe Argazzi. We met 3+ years ago via Suzi Lula’s Soul Care Certification and he’s become a steady presence in my life. He embodies the living out of loving ways of being with ourselves. He’s a role model to all he meets and it’s hard not to fall into a trance of love for self when listening to him. Joe reminds us of our essential nature and the truth that life gets better and better when we shine a loving light on our own personal growth. Thanks Joe for being with Mystical Sisterhood for the second time!!

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