Episode 76: Living a Spiritually Abundant Life with Joe Argazzi

What does living a full, spiritually aligned life look and feel like? Joe Argazzi joins us to share his perspective on how to sit with your emotions and know that everything in life happens for you and is in perfect order. In this refreshing conversation, you’ll learn about:

  • Joe’s shift from a victim mindset to empowerment

  • How Joe lives by the Principles of the Universe

  • The process to understand and love your emotions

Joseph Argazzi is a Spiritual Counselor and Recovery Specialist. Follow him on Instagram and visit his website.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

The realness and authenticity of this conversation with Joe Argazzi is off the charts. Joe’s ability to presence and name how he lives his life is so inviting and enriching. Joe lives a daily practice of taking radical responsibility for his emotional well being and relationships to others in his life. If you are on a spiritual path, you’ll know that this is a consistent commitment and endeavor. One which pays off in spiritual dividends! Joe and I became friends in our Suzi Lula Soul Care Certification and he had me at ‘Hello’. I think he’ll steal your heart as well!

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