Episode 115: Channeling Archangel Metatron & Psychic Mediumship with Julie Geigle

In this episode with Julie Geigle, you’ll learn how Julie opened up to becoming a channel after realizing she was communicating with her father following his death. Julie shares her experience with the powerful Archangel Metraton and so much more, including:

  • Her transition from teaching to mediumship

  • How to blend consciousness & New Age insights

  • How to understand Archangels & Angels

Learn more about Julie on YouTube and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

Four years ago, I was invited to a Mastermind experience with Julie Geigle and Alicia Isaacs Howes. It was the very first time I had been asked to use my intuitive abilities in a group setting and boy, was I nervous! It was an enlightening and very fun experience and proved to me that perhaps I could learn how to tap into my own knowings. Julie is such a clear channel for Archangel Metatron and clearly was meant to do this work. The more I interview such amazing individuals who are leading the way, the more excited I get for what’s opening up in the world. Thanks for being with us, Julie, in the Mystical Sisterhood!

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