Episode 14: On Holding a Sacred Container for Women & Writing with Julie Rinard

Changing careers midlife is not for the faint of heart! Julie Rinard describes how she transformed her relationship with ‘success’ and embarked on a new business focused on her true purpose, writing. Listen in to discover:

  • How Julie heard language in a unique way in childhood

  • Julie’s ‘reverse engineering’ of how she relates to joy

  • Writing to heal, release, express, uplift, and affirm

Julie Rinard is the Founder of Writing for All Seasons. She and her family live in California where she holds her online soul writing circles. Find her on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

I met Julie Rinard through our teacher and mentor, Suzi Lula. We shared space in Permission to Thrive, Suzi’s online group with 12 women from across the country. I was immediately struck by her soul shining through and, not surprisingly, her way with words. She has a deep talent for using words to deliver deep and profound messages. If your heart desires to write in a newly channeled way, contact Julie for her support!

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