Episode 71: Vibrational Alignment, Energy & Intuition with Laura O’Malley

How aware are you of your thoughts? That your thoughts create a feeling and that feeling is your guidance? That you are more powerful than you know. In addition, we cover:

  • Understanding our connection to Source

  • Embracing fear as guidance & how to respond

  • Feeling into vibrational alignment

Laura O’Malley is a Spiritual Intuitive & Psychic Channel. Follow her on Instagram and visit her website.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

A year ago I went to an event where Laura was channeling. It was a powerful session filled with truth bombs and personal ahas! Today I sit with Laura as she channels and teaches us that our thoughts and feelings are powerful agents to lead us to our own truth. In the work, I have cleared longstanding energy blocks and held my own path with compassion and understanding.

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