Episode 17: What It Really Takes To Be in a Conscious Relationship with Leslie Bost & Juan Rivera

A conscious relationship doesn’t typically occur overnight as Leslie and Juan discuss today. They are a dynamic couple deeply committed to discovering who they are as separate souls and what individual healing is calling. Inside you’ll find:

  • How Leslie and Juan chose to continue their relationship after challenges

  • How Juan took responsibility for his own healing after Leslie led the way

  • How we define ‘conscious relationship’

Leslie Bost is a Conscious Parenting Coach, in partnership with Juan and their 4 children. You’ll find them living all over the world! Find Leslie on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

It was an honor to be in conversation with my Conscious Parenting colleague, Leslie Bost, and her life partner. Juan Rivera. They truly embody what it means to look inward with compassion, become curious about how one shows up in relationship, and commit to yourself! I loved this conversation and feel so excited about their retreat center being built in Mexico for families. Learn more on Leslie’s website, listed above!

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