Episode 11: Illuminating Astrology & Birth Charts with Lisa Hagenbuch

Lisa Hagenbuch shares how our birth charts contain valuable information about our entire lives. Astrology can hold up a mirror to you to understand yourself more deeply and to shift what’s not working. Lisa helps us explore:

  • Topical astrology begins when you are born

  • Your constellation chart as a powerful tool for guidance

  • How the newer Age of Aquarius affects the world

Lisa Hagenbuch has been a professional Astrologer since 1998. She is also educated in Family Constellations work. Find her on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

Connections are a big part of this work - I don’t mean having a big rolodex with names, rather: “I have a friend I think you might like” sort of connections. Lisa is a dear friend of Valerie Wood (Episode 5) and I’m so happy we were introduced. For me, I’m an Astrology native; knowing my birth sign and not much else. Whether you feel seasoned on the topic or new to it, I think you’ll love our conversation spanning from birth charts to conscious parenting to why twins have completely distinct charts! Enjoy this heartfelt conversation!

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