Episode 37: The Art of Living Mindfully with Mar Martin

Mar Martin so beautifully leads a personal and professional life of intention and mindfulness. Through her teaching she spreads the principles of consciousness. Mar is a citizen of the world, having lived in Spain and the U.S. throughout here years. We had fun talking about:

  • What it means to get curious about a beginner’s mind

  • How to create space to check in with yourself daily

  • The practice of presencing and listening in the classroom

Mar Martin is an educator, Conscious Parenting Coach, and Soul Care Coach. Learn more about Mar on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

I learned alongside Mar Martin in both Dr. Shefali’s Conscious Parenting Certification as well as Suzi Lula’s Soul Care Certification. Mar and I have not yet met in person but her calm and presencing energy is felt across the miles. Mar so beautifully tells of how she applies compassion and understanding to her own journey and experiences and guides her students as well. How lucky we all are to be in her space! Thank you Mar for this conversation.

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