Episode 1: How Mystical Sisterhood Was Born with Maureen Spielman

Join Maureen Spielman, Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, to discover how the idea for the podcast came into being. Maureen shares the intention of creating a podcast filled with messages of joy and healing. Through interviews with intuitives, healers, and other courageous individuals, Maureen seeks to share inspirational stories and ways to:

  • Connect deeply with yourself

  • Connect deeply in your relationships

  • Connect within community.

Maureen is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a Soul Care coach, mom of 3, and lifelong learner. She is here to support women in the path of inner transformation.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

It is my honor to introduce you to this inaugural episode of Mystical Sisterhood. Mystical Sisterhood came to me through a combination of intuition and listening to promptings from the Universe. Born of my journey through a significant illness and realizing that life is here for our healing and to be lived vibrantly and unabashedly, Mystical Sisterhood is my sacred offering to this world. Welcome!