Episode 53: Creating Rich & Transformative Communities with Maureen Spielman

In the 3rd of this 3-part series, Maureen talks about our connection with community as being vital to women in the post-pandemic world. In community we find the courage to:

  • See ourselves on a rising tide where all feel lifted

  • Know that we are not alone & can create safety for women coming together in vulnerability

  • Support one another in a new paradigm of Sisterhood

Maureen is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood and a Transformational Life Coach. Learn more about Maureen on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

This is the 3rd of 3 episodes on the tenets of Mystical Sisterhood: connection to yourself, connection to the Universe, and connection to one another! Community has become a valuable currency and Mystical Sisterhood is a place that you are welcome to come, share your insights, revelations, be together in conscious conversations, and see one another’s light and wholeness.

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