Episode 57: How to Tap Into the Universe with Maureen Spielman

Host Maureen Spielman sits down to support you in tapping into the Universal energy which is always there supporting you! How can this be? Well, let’s listen in and discover:

  • How it’s about the process you bring to experiences

  • You learn how to stop and ask for assistance

  • Seek what resonates most for you

Maureen is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood and a Transformational Life Coach. Learn more about Maureen on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

Sometimes you just need the knowing that you are supported! I often ask the Universe for signs to guide my way. For example, I was in my head a lot recently about something, I asked for a sign, and saw ‘222’ on the side of a medical chair. When I looked up the meaning it said to ‘have patience’! Tapping into the Universe is a reminder that support and an energetic presence are always here for us!

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