Episode 62: Embracing Your Body with Compassion & Nonjudgment with Maureen Spielman

Our bodies are often the recipient of not being enough or being too much. Practicing loving kindness for our bodies is big work for so many individuals. Lean in to hear about:

  • Four dimensions of our experience in a body

  • Our bodies as houses for our souls but not limited to

  • Conditioning and it’s impact on how we view our body

Maureen is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood and a Transformational Life Coach. Learn more about Maureen on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

This episode is one that I had wanted to do for some time and quite frankly, got up the nerve to finally do. I know I speak for many when I speak to being at odds with your body because of it’s size, because of illness; many things come up here. It’s a journey for me of knowing that my body is here to be treated as a temple as it is the vehicle that takes me through life but also because I don’t to grow old not loving my body! Just sayin’……….

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