Episode 3: Personal Empowerment Through Soul Care Coaching

A look inside what is Soul Care Coaching? Maureen has studied extensively with Suzi Lula, Spiritual Therapist and founder of Soul Care Certification. She shares details of what a Soul Care coaching experience entails. Listen in to discover:

  • What is Spiritual Psychology and why does it matter

  • The significance of learning to be with your emotions

  • How reparenting ourselves helps integrate experiences

Maureen is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a Soul Care coach, mom of 3, and lifelong learner. She is here to support women in the path of inner transformation.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

I am passionate about sharing Soul Care coaching with the world. Soul Care is based in Spiritual Psychology which helps us consider ourselves as a human having a spiritual experience. Principles of Soul Care include living within a friendly Universe, life is happening for us, not to us, and our emotions being friendly messengers here with deep and prolific messages for us. And so much more! I’m so happy to have you here as a curious listener!

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