Episode 114: The Art of Receiving: Finding Balance & Energetic Alignment with Maureen Spielman

Host Maureen Spielman addresses the concept of our receiving and why it’s so difficult for some of us to receive. Our difficulty receiving often is born of the ways we learned to adapt in childhood, such as people pleasing and overgiving. Join today to hear more on this and:

  • Balancing masculine & feminine energies

  • Reflections on self worth and inner voices

  • How to practice receiving in your daily life

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood and a Spiritual Life Coach. Follow her on Instagram and visit her website.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

About 6 years ago, life brought me to a place of looking at how I receive from others. Following a big diagnosis, I underwent surgery and treatments. So many in my family and community stepped forward to make meals and drive me to appointments. I was immediately thrust into this role of receiving when all my life I had given — and oftentimes, practiced over giving. Where had that really gotten me? Often into overwhelm and resentment, too. I feel we’ve all been on this journey in our own ways and women are waking to learning what it means to care for ourselves without feeling guilty. Can we stop and give to ourselves and receive from ourselves before tending to another? Would you be willing to make time in your daily life to change your relationship with receiving? I’d love to hear how you are shifting and changing in this area of life!

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