Episode 25: The Collective Feminine Rising

In the 25th episode of Mystical Sisterhood, Maureen recounts all that she has witnessed during the past 6 months. What she sees is women stepping into their most aligned selves for their own expansion and to offer their gifts to the world. In this episode you will hear about:

  • Maureen’s vision for women in community

  • Understanding your gifts and allowing yourself to shine

  • The shift into the Age of Acquarius and possibilities

Maureen is the founder and host of Mystical Sisterhood and is a Transformational Life Coach. Find Maureen on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

In today’s episode, I celebrate the mystics and mystical conversations that have occurred in the first 6 months of Mystical Sisterhood. The willingness to share their stories, wisdom, and work, has blown me away. I love bringing this work to light and hope you are enjoying the show so much!

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