Episode 33: Everyday as Our Wake Up Call with Maureen Spielman

Mystical Sisterhood host, Maureen Spielman, shares today why each day is priceless and an opportunity to wake up. We don’t have to wait for life’s big lessons to live in a deeply connected way. Listen in to hear about:

  • The definition of a wake up call & how they show up

  • We have a choice to understand life more deeply

  • Practices to apply to your own life

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood and a Transformational Life Coach. Visit Maureen on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

I’m a believer that there are many opportunities in our lives that are calling for our attention. For me it was the diagnosis of breast cancer in 2018 and all the decisions that followed that served as a big wake up call. My life has changed for the better and I’m so much more connected to myself. I love this conversation and the message that we don’t have to wait for something colossal to happen to discover ourselves.

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