Episode 48: The Art of Appreciating Yourself with Maureen Spielman

Appreciation has a place in many of our waking moments. It’s a way of acknowledging yourself, all you do, and your place in the world. Areas of your appreciation might include:

  • Appreciating your growth and transformation

  • Appreciating the qualities you bring to others

  • Appreciating how much you listen to your own needs

Maureen is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood and a Transformational Life Coach. Learn more about Maureen on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

My teacher and mentor, Suzi Lula, teaches how important self appreciation and acknowledgement can be. We cannot underestimate the words we say to ourselves and how our body, soul, and mind are listening to it all. Appreciation helps us soften into ourselves and be a bit gentler - which is so important to take the time and do! How can you appreciate yourself today?

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