Episode 64: Mystical Sisterhood Roundtable on Spirituality, Collaboration & Trust

What does one talk about when 3 intuitives meet up?? Wow, so many topics! Heather Hanson, Valerie Wood, and Alicia Isaacs Howes join me to discuss now is the time for women to rise in their gifts, talents, and wisdom! We talk about:

  • Utilizing curiousity as a medium to navigate emotions

  • The importance of self discovery and faith

  • Standing firm in yourself amidst societal norms

Find Heather on Instagram and on her website . Find Valerie on Instagram and her website. Find Alicia on Instagram and her website.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

My very first Roundtable and girl, was it fun! Talk about Sisterhood. These 3 ladies showed up personifying what it looks like when women collaborate. It’s what Mystical Sisterhood is all about. To sit with 3 highly intuitive women who happen to be friends does my heart real good. Listen and enjoy! This one is for you!

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