Episode 59: Tapping Into Intuition with Dr. Ricci-Jane Adams

Intuition lies within us and Dr. Ricci-Jane Adams shares that it is a guiding force in our lives. And that our singular purpose here on Earth is to awaken ourselves at deeper levels. Also:

  • Advice if you are at the stage of spiritual awakening

  • The knowing that comes with trusting your path

  • Calming your nervous system to access intuition

Dr. Adams is the Founder of the Institute for Intuitive Intelligence. Learn more about Dr. Adams on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

Two of my coaching colleagues were students of Dr. Adams and I reached out after learning of her. She has such a command of her work as a spiritually fierce woman! I love learning all I can about our intuition, how to live from the place of it, and becoming stronger in who we came to be! I think you’ll love this inspiring conversation!

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