Episode 72: Finding Village & Vessel: A Journey to Opening a Crystal Shop with Sarah Maher

Are you considering a career change? Are you burned out from your job? Has there always been something you wanted to begin but not sure how? Sarah Maher is pure inspiration to follow your dreams. We talk about:

  • Following your heart and inner guidance

  • The spiritual significance of crystals

  • A 1st year shop owner: learning and growing

Sarah Maher is owner of Village & Vessel in Oak Park, IL. Follow her on Instagram and visit her website.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

I was lucky enough to meet Sarah Maher when she opened up her beautiful crystal shop in town. You have to check out here website and Instagram because the space she has created is stunning. She believes deeply in the healing and energetic power of crystals and loves to read tarot for her clients. She is off to a great beginning on her newfound venture and her backstory is amazing, too!

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