Episode 49: Living a Life of Sacred Reverence through Ritual with Shiva Rose

Shiva Rose is the Queen of Ritual in my book. Today she shares her own practices of bringing intention and meaning to our lives. She shares:

  • How we create rituals by adding intention

  • The rituals of tea ceremony and building altars

  • How to create space for sacred rituals in busy lives

Shiva Rose is author of the best selling book, ‘Whole Beauty’ and an advocate for healthful living. Learn more about Shiva on Instagram and on her website for more information.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

I have followed Shiva Rose for longer than I can remember. I love her blog, The Local Rose, and it’s holistic wellness pieces. I am always looking to refine my nutrition, learn a new practice, or get in touch with my divine feminine nature. If you feel the same way, listen to Shiva on this episode. I love her humor and playfulness and I am so grateful she said yes!

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