Episode 4: You Are Worthy with Suzi Lula

Suzi Lula, Spiritual Therapist, joins us today to talk about our worthiness and self compassion. As individuals we often borrow our worthiness from the outer world yet it truly lives within all of us.

Listen in to discover:

  • An experiential process to connect you with your needs

  • How compassion can be utilized as a healing tool

  • Practices to cultivate a compassionate consciousness

Suzi Lula is a beloved Spiritual Therapist and Founder of Soul Care Certification, many online courses, as well as serving at the Agape International Spiritual Center under the direction of Michael Bernard Beckwith. Follow Suzi Lula on Instagram and on her website.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

Suzi joins us today as my very first guest! She was an easy choice as she’s been my teacher and mentor for years and has so much wisdom to impart. Suzi brings years of experience working with clients individually as well as leading beautiful online courses and her own certification. If you are curious about what she shares in this conversation, check out her work in the links above! I hope you thoroughly enjoy this exchange.

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