Episode 5: In the Realm of Your Angels & Spirit Guides

Valerie Wood, phenomenal angel channel and medium, joins us to discuss her work supporting individuals in connecting with the spirit world. Listen in to discover:

  • How Val discovered her gifts in a Divine Feminine workshop

  • Your intuition as a powerful and accessible part of you

  • How you receive energy and how to begin to tap in

Valerie Wood is a joyous channel for Archangel Michael and other spirit guides. She brings joy and enthusiasm to each client she works with. Find Valerie on Instagram and on her website.

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More from Maureen about this episode…

Valerie Wood was the very first channeler I worked with and I’m honored to know her as a guide and friend. She’s a channel I keep on speed dial! She brings such joy to every conversation and when you listen in to this exchange, you will walk away feeling perhaps more connected than you have ever felt. I loved this conversation and hope you have many useful takeaways!

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